Step 1: Start drinking in your hotel room. Stay classy with something like a vodka cran.
Step 2: Take the bus to the game area. This task is going to require much more alcohol than you have consumed in the room, there is no way you should be driving.
Step 3: Go to tavern outside the stadium, enjoy the nectar of the motherland, and buy a KOOZIE. Only have a drink or two. Don't over do it, you have a long night.
Step 4: Watch some game from outside the stadium, and proceed to walk around the stadium until you see an exit.
Step 5: Start heckling people you see leave the stadium. ON VIDEO ask them why they are leaving in the 4th inning. Keep doing this. Eventually someone will give you their tickets to this stadium that does not allow ins and outs because they are cold and want to go home.

TIP: Make sure you do this to wealthy looking people. You don't want the. cheap seats.

Step 6: Go to a different entrance because the gate crew watched this happen and are telling you it wont work.
Step 7: You better be liquored up enough not to care if you get turned away. Present your ticket to be scanned, listen to the joyful sound of the bing as it scans and walk into the stadium.
Step 8: Don't think that your task is over because you just got into the World Series for free. Now that you are in you got to do some damage on the inside. Go straight to the bar!! Order 2 drinks each, then go fine your World Series seats, I hope they are good.
Step 9: Watch less of the game than you would have if you stayed at the bar.
Step 10: Not sure
Step 11: Take a cab back toward the hotel area even thought you have a return bus ticket. When you get out of the cab don't listen to the direction he tells you to walk to get to your hotel. He will be wrong.
Step 12: Don't remember, there are many party's going on.
Step ^#*: Get back to your room somehow. Wake up in disbelief.