Sunday, 25 November 2012


No Turkey ti be found here!!

Start with a large piece of pork

Split it into cook-able size portions

Brine it over night

Have some other ingredients

Put them together and paint the lovely pork

Cook it all

Cut it all

Eat it all


Current temp: 2 

Monday, 5 November 2012

Oinktoberfest is OVER!

Do I need to explain this?

Step 1: Buy big piece of pork, any type, or all types

Step 2: Unpack your pork

Step 3: Cook your pork

Step 4:  Add some beer if you need to

Step 5: Serve your pork with other foods if you need to and more beer

Saturday, 3 November 2012


You never know who makes it until you see everyone there!

Friday, 2 November 2012

One thing I never had before I moved to Canada

How to make the best drink ever

Step 1: You choose, vodka, Jameson, or I am sure there are more choices.

Step 2: Ginger beer

Step 3: Put them together

Step 4: Self explanatory

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Chicken Bits

Nothing is better than chicken soup and a sandwich on a raining day!

Goal: Turn chicken back bone/bits into soup.

Supplies: Backbone/bits of 2 chicken, 2 chicken breast, carrots, celery, broccoli stumps, 2 onions, ginger, garlic, noodles.

Step 1: Boil water, add chicken bits/back bone and 1/3 of the carrots, ends of the celery, stumps of broccoli, onions, garlic and ginger. Simmer for a looooong time.

Step 2: Wait for your partner to come home and kick you out of the kitchen.

Step 3: Let your partner make more pans, cut more veggies, bowl water, and do something with chicken.

Step 4: Eat your soup.