Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Something you never thought you would write about when applying for a job

In general, I try not to tell perspective employers that I play adult kickball. I don't know why this is, adult kickball is the best of the adult recreational sports, it combines drinking in parks with a reason to drink in parks. Anyhow, I wrote this in a recent cover letter.

" I also kept offensive statistics for my adult kickball team for multiple seasons. I have uploaded an example of these statistics."

The job is to be a stats intern for I assume, the Blue Jays. I will be surprised if they contact me for an interview, but I figured it was worth a try.

Its Halloween!
I got some stuff to do
Like use those balloons!


Tuesday, 30 October 2012

How to prep for a power outage without a car

When the News tells you, you should prepare for a power-outage and you live in temporary housing and haven't had a change to accumulate things, you might have some work to do. 

Challenge: Prepare for a power-outage without a car.

Things you are told you should have: Flashlights, batteries, water, non-perishable food. 

Step 1: Prepare to walk to the Walmart.You might want to bring more stuff back than normal so bring 2 grocery bags. Also wear a rain jackets, you cant use an umbrella when you are carrying grocery bags on both hands.

Step 2: Fight the wind and walk to the Walmart. Once you are there grab a handcart. Since you are walking home, everything you buy must fit into the handcart.

Step 3: Lights, you do not have room in your handcart for bulky flashlights and batteries. Go cheap and grab some tiny lights, glow-sticks, and balloons. You can get creative with these later.

Step 4: Water, do not be crazy, you cannot possibly fit enough water into your hand cart and you do not want to carry that home. Hopefully you keep enough empty vodka bottles on hand at home,. You can just fill them up with tap water later. 

Step 5: Choose food that doesn't have to be refrigerated or heated that the whole family will like. Obviously Cheez-it's are the perfect food; However they do not sell them in Canada which makes shopping more complicated. 

Step 6: Get everything home, and hope that you made good choices. 

Step 7: Find a comfortable spot at home to ride out the storm.

Monday, 29 October 2012

How to stay Safe in Detroit.

Its isn't hard

Step 1: Low expectations

Step 2: Go on an amazing sports weekend

Step 3: Wear the non-home teams apparel

Step 4: Meet a lot of friendly people

Planning to give the cat the same haircut in spring

Step 5: Meet no non-friendly people

Step 6: Plan on going back in spring to see the Athletics show the Tigers whats up!!

Step 7: Have an unbelievable good time

Step 8: Take pictures and share them

Everyone here loves Dunkin Donuts

Windsor is good too!!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

How to get into a World Series game on a tight budget

Step 1: Start drinking in your hotel room. Stay classy with something like a vodka cran.

Step 2: Take the bus to the game area. This task is going to require much more alcohol than you have consumed in the room, there is no way you should be driving.

Step 3: Go to tavern outside the stadium, enjoy the nectar of the motherland, and buy a KOOZIE. Only have a drink or two. Don't over do it, you have a long night.

Step 4: Watch some game from outside the stadium, and proceed to walk around the stadium until you see an exit.

Step 5: Start heckling people you see leave the stadium. ON VIDEO ask them why they are leaving in the 4th inning. Keep doing this. Eventually someone will give you their tickets to this stadium that does not allow ins and outs because they are cold and want to go home.

TIP: Make sure you do this to wealthy looking people. You don't want the. cheap seats.

Step 6: Go to a different entrance because the gate crew watched this happen and are telling you it wont work.

Step 7: You better be liquored up enough not to care if you get turned away. Present your ticket to be scanned, listen to the joyful sound of the bing as it scans and walk into the stadium.

Step 8: Don't think that your task is over because you just got into the World Series for free. Now that you are in you got to do some damage on the inside. Go straight to the bar!! Order 2 drinks each, then go fine your World Series seats, I hope they are good.

Step 9: Watch less of the game than you would have if you stayed at the bar.

Step 10: Not sure

Step 11: Take a cab back toward the hotel area even thought you have a return bus ticket. When you get out of the cab don't listen to the direction he tells you to walk to get to your hotel. He will be wrong.

Step 12: Don't remember, there are many party's going on.

Step ^#*: Get back to your room somehow. Wake up in disbelief.


Saturday, 27 October 2012

Bird of the day- Part BONES

Orange Rosemary Chicken

Goal: Cook the chicken that is on the bones. I have found it is easiest to do this in a baking pan.

Supplies: Chicken, Oranges or Orange Juice or both, Rosemary, Salt, Pepper, Pan, Oven, Knife, Foil

Tip: When using a knife, if you are left handed, hold the knife in your left hand; doing this may make cutting more safe for you. (learned this tip when cutting the whole chicken).

Do: Mix it all together, cover with foil and bake at 400 degrees, set timer for 45 mins then broil, uncover for 15 mins more. Turn off timer once it goes off, keep doing what you were doing for approximately 15 min. Then freak out, remove the foil and press boil. Wait until you smell burning (approx 5 min) remove chicken from oven, recover with foil, turn on kitchen fan but leave oven on.


Friday, 26 October 2012

Bird of the day

Today I will demonstrate how to cut whole chickens into parts.

Thing you may need
two chickens is a good idea, that way you can totally mess up on the first one and get to improve on the second. although three chickens might be even better.
Cutting board
Kitchen scissors 
Dull knife dont want to make things easy
Paper towels
Sink with soap
3 freezer bag Label bits, boobs, and bones,

STEP 1 Take one chick out of the package, spread its legs and  pop out the joint and go at it like you think you have done it before.

Legs off successfully!! but when cutting the breast don't cut straight down, there is a bone there. 

STEP 2 Try to go along the side of the bone to remove the breast and the wing

STEP 3 Take a break when you struggle to separate the wing/breast from the wish bone area and you think it might be more effective to separate a phalanx bone.

STEP 4 Put a band-aid on. I don't know if its good to cut raw chicken with an open cut, but if you don't have any band-aids just use a paper towel and wait for it stops bleeding, which give you time for...

STEP 5 Watch a chicken cutting video on YouTube.

STEP 6. With newly found YouTube confidence go at it again.

Legs off smoothly

 Breast off smoothly